Willful misconduct is a deliberate wrongly acts by a pilot, airline staff, or its agent…
Willful misconduct is a deliberate wrongly acts by a pilot, airline staff, or its agent…
Horabin v. BOAC (1952) 2 All ER (1006) as follows – “Misconduct is misconduct which
Indeed in all other cases spelt out in the Convention the limits on liability must…
The concept of negligence or willful misconduct obviously cannot work in the case of loss…
In the case of HARKA AIR SERVICE (NIG) LTD V. EMEKA KEAZOR Esq (2011) 13…
Horabin v BOAC (1952) 2 All ER 1016 at 1020 as follows: “Wilful misconduct is
Horabin V. British Airways Corpn. (1952) 2 ALL ER 1016 @ 1020 B – D,
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