It was the appellants’ contention that the claims of the parties were based on the…
It was the appellants’ contention that the claims of the parties were based on the…
Let us first examine the meaning of the term “premises”. From the many learned legal…
A customary tenancy involves the transfer of an interest in land from the customary landlord…
Errington v. Errington and Anor. (1952) 1 All E.R. 149. At page 154 line D.
An option clause in a tenancy agreement is a covenant which runs with the land…
This is yet another misconception of the legal issue raised in the case. Once a…
Now before proceeding to analyse the evidence, let me restate the legal consequences on the…
In Raphel Udeze & Ors v. Paul Chidebe & Ors (1990) 1 NWLR (Part 125)…
The statement that occupation by a customary tenant is no occupation by the landlord is,…
A customary tenant is a tenant from year to year liable under Customary Law to…
A very important factor is that the grantor of the land, once it has been…
Pan Asian African Co. Ltd. v. National Insurance Corporation (Nig.) Ltd. (1982) All NLR 229,
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