Bakare v. Apena (1986) 6 SC 467 @ p. 468, where the Supreme Court per Aniagolu JSC (God bless his soul) had succinctly stated inter alia thus: “A judge will not adopt a method of adjudication alien to procedural rule of justice upon a plea that he is actuated by the noblest of intentions and an impassionate zeal, for justice which propels him to bizarre methods of arriving at justice holding as it were, as justifying Machiavellian principle, that the end justifies the means. The Court as the last resort will indeed do justice by the procedure laid down by law and constitution. The moment a Court ceases to do justice in accordance with the law and procedure laid down for it, it ceases to be a regular Court to become a kangaroo Court.’’
There are instances where a party, due to no fault of his, is unable to comply with rules of court. Where there is such non-compliance, the attitude and reaction of the court will depend on the facts and circumstances of such case. The circum-stances form part of the sole issue for determination, distilled and formulated by the Appellant in his brief of argument in this appeal. There are thus, exceptions to the jurisprudence that rules of court must be complied with. In a circumstance where a party who is unable to comply with the rules of court advances cogent materials for non-compliance, that brings his case within the exception for which the Applicant can get a waiver.
— Mufutau Bamidele Akande v Professor Olugbemiro Jegede (2022) – SC./948/2015