In El Haji Mame Abdou Gaye v. Republic of Senegal ECW/CCJ/JUD/01/12 at Para 28 and 46, this Court held that: “The only limit to this jurisdiction is as prescribed in Article 10(d)(ii) of the supplementary Protocol on the Court, which bars it from entertaining a case which is already taken by another competent international Court”.
In Hissein Habre v. Republic of Senegal; ECW/CCJ/APP/07/08 & ECW/CCJ/03/10, this Court held that in determining whether it has jurisdiction, it shall consider: • If the issues submitted before it deals with a right which has been enshrined for the benefit of the human person; • Whether it arises from international or community obligations of the state complained of, as Human Rights to be promoted, observed, protected, and enjoyed; • Whether it is the violation of that right which is being alleged. See also Private Alimu Akeem v. Federal Republic of Nigeria ECW/CCJ/ RUL/05/11, pg. 119 affirming the same condition precedent.