The law is that, issue of payment of compensation is a serious matter. It is always a head claim of its own. A party who claims for compensation has to lead evidence to prove same before a Court can decide whether to grant or not. No Court is allowed to award compensation to a party just for the asking as the Court is not a Father Christmas. In the English case of Greif (UK) Ltd & Anor. v Sienkiewicz (Administratix of Estate of Enid Costello Deceased) & Anor [2011] LPELR – 17792 (UKSC), the Supreme Court of England said: “It is a basic principle of the law of tort that Claimant will only have cause of action if he can prove on balance of probabilities, that the defendant’s tortious conduct caused the damage in respect of which compensation is claimed. He must show that, but not for the defendant’s tortious conduct, he would not have suffered the damage…”
— O. Oyewumi, J. Aseidu v Japaul (2019) – NICN/AK/01/2016