The general principle guiding Applications for Stay of Proceedings is that there must be a valid and subsisting appeal. See NIKA FISHING CO. LTD v. LAVINA CORPORATION (2008) LPELR-2035 (SC) Pg. 27 – 30, Paras. B – C; APM TERMINALS LTD and ANOR v. OKONKWO (2017) LPELR-42318 (CA) Pg. 12-14, Paras. E – A, and REGISTERED TRUSTEES OF ASSEMBLIES OF GOD MISSION OF NIGERIA v. TORT [2017] LPELR-43059 (CA) Pg. 15, Paras. B – E where this Court held that “…for a stay of proceedings to be granted, there should be a pending appeal and the appeal must be valid.”
— T. Abubakar JCA. Olukoya Ogungbeje Esq. v. EFCC (CA/L/1408/2017, 18 Jul 2018)