Whilst hearing the Appeal on the 10th of April, 2008, Learned Counsel E. Uwa with Ogunshote announced appearance for the Appellant and the Learned Senior Advocate Prof. S. A. Adesanya (SAN) announced appearance for the Respondent. Prof. Adesanya (SAN) informed the court that the Respondent is registered in Nigeria but based in America, that he has not had contact with him nor does he have his contact as he was introduced to the Respondent by a third party, he further explained he has no further instruction to represent the Respondent. He applied for an adjournment because he has not been in contact with the Respondent. The Learned Counsel to the Appellant opposed the application contending that the learned SAN was served with all the processes including the Appellant Brief, he failed to react nor write to slate he is no longer in the matter. Learned Counsel submitted that if he has not been instructed he cannot apply for adjournment. This court considered the application of the Learned Senior Advocate for adjournment and the response of the Appellant’s Counsel and ruled refusing the application for adjournment.
— R.O. Nwodo, JCA. Teleglobe v 21st Century Tech. (2008) – CA/L/694/2006