


The concept of abuse of process is imprecise and of infinite variety. However, its most common feature is in instituting multiplicity of actions on the same subject matter against the same opponent on the same issues. The abuse lies in the multiplicity and manner of exercise of the right, rather than the exercise of the right per se. See OKORODUDU vs. OKOROMADU (1977) 3 SC 21 and SARAKI vs. KOTOYE (1992) 9 NWLR (PT 264) 156 at 188.

— U.A. Ogakwu, JCA. General Telephone v. Asset (2017) – CA/L/336/2015

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The trite position of the law on abuse of a court process is that it happens in regard to multiple actions between the same parties, on the same subject matter, when a party (such as the appellant in this appeal) improperly uses judicial process to the irritation, of annoyance and harassment of his opponent (the respondent herein) not only in respect of the same subject matter but also in respect of the same issues in the other action or actions. See: Okafor v. A – G Anambra State (1991) 6 NWLR (Pt.200) 659 at 681; Saraki v. Kotoye (1992) 9 NWLR (Pt.264) 156; Ikine v. Edjerode (2001) 18 NWLR (Pt.745) 446.

— T. Muhammad, JSC. VAB Petroleum v. Momah (2013) – SC.99/2004

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Abuse of court process means that the process of the court has not been used bonafide and it may occur when a party improperly uses a judicial process to the harassment, irritation and annoyance of his opponent and to interfere with the administration of justice. The institution of multiplicity of actions by the parties, in the instant case, constitutes an abuse of the court process. There must be an end to litigation. Although, every person as citizen has a right of access to the court for redress, that right should be exercised in good faith. [Okafor v. Attorney-General of Anambra State (1991) 6 NWLR (Pt.200) 659;Saraki v. Kotoye (1992) 9 NWLR (Pt.264) 156;Owonikoko v. Arowosaiye (1997) 10 NWLR (Pt.523) 61 referred to].

— Adeyemo v. Ida & Ors. (1998) – CA/1/6/92

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Now, the term ‘Abuse of Court process’ is often seen to be synonymous with multiplicity of suits, but though that in a way is a correct proposition of the law yet abuse of Court process is much more than mere multiplicity of suits. In other words, multiplicity of suits is not the only way by which abuse of Court process could be constituted. Simply put, and for lack of a precise or concise definition of the term ‘abuse of Court process’ denotes the improper use of the process of Court to achieve unlawful ends or the employment of the judicial process to the annoyance or irritation or injury of the person of another and thus it can safely pass as a doctrine of law without any precise or concise definition. This is rightly and arguably so because what would constitute or amount to abuse of Court process is very diverse, imprecise and thus subject to infinite or indefinite considerations.

— B.A. Georgewill, JCA. General Telephone v. Asset (2017) – CA/L/336/2015

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It is recognised that the abuse of the process may lie in both a proper or improper use of the judicial process in litigation. But the employment of judicial process is only regarded generally as an abuse when a party improperly uses the issue of the judicial process to the irritation and annoyance of his opponent, and the efficient and effective administration of justice. This will arise in instituting a multiplicity of actions on the same subject matter against the same opponent on the same issues. See Okorodudu v. Okoromadu (1977) 3 S.C. 21, Oyegbola v. Esso West African Inc. (1966) 1 All NLR 170. Thus the multiplicity of actions on the same matter between the same parties even where there exists a right to bring the action is regarded as an abuse. The abuse lies in the multiplicity and manner of the exercise of the right, rather than the exercise of the right, per se. The abuse consists in the intention purpose, and aim of the person exercising the right to harass, irritate and annoy the adversary, and interfere with the administration of justice; such as instituting different actions between the same parties simultaneously in different courts, even though on different grounds. See Harriman v. Harriman (1989) 5 NWLR (Pt. l 19) 6.

— A.G. Karibe-Whyte, JSC. Saraki v. Kotoye (1992) – S.C. 250/1991

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It is trite law that, abuse of Court or judicial process simply means, the use of a Court process mala fide or in bad faith to the annoyance of the opponent. One variety of it is the institution of multiferous actions between the same parties with regard to the same subject matter and same issue, in the same or another Court. See Abdu Yunusa Indabawa v. Garba Magashi & Anor (2016) LPELR 41626 (CA) and Umeh v. Inu (2008) 8 NWLR (pt. 225) at 245. A quick look at the Originating Summons in Suit No: FHC/ABJ/CS/1275/2022 will show that, same was instituted in the Federal High Court, Abuja on the 27th day of July, 2022. Being a pre election matter, it ought to have been determined within 180 days as required by Section 285(10) of the 1999 Constitution. It therefore means that it lapsed by January, 2023 about a month before the Election in question was conducted. This petition having been instituted on the 20/3/2023 when Suit No: FHC/ABJ/CS/1215/2022 was no more alive, does not qualify as an abuse of Court process. This ground for this objection is also discountenanced.

— H.S. Tsammani, JCA. APM v INEC & Ors. (2023) – CA/PEPC/04/2023

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