Nwangwu v. Ukachukwu & Anor (2000) LPELR-6913(CA), where the Court of Appeal gave effect to the notion when it stated, “Any state legislation which seeks to confer jurisdiction on the State High Court as does the Anambra State High Court Law would be in conflict with the provision of S.41 of the Land Use Act. The legislation rather than give effect to S.41 of the Act, would extend the section. By the doctrine of covering the field, S.41 of the Land Use Act will be made to prevail over the provision of such a state legislation.”
Saraki v. FRN (2016) LPELR-40013(SC), the Supreme Court stated, “Where the doctrine of covering the field is in vogue in the Constitution any other legislation on the same field whether by the Federal/State government must bow to the dictate of the Constitution. That other law/legislation, if not repugnant must be supplemental or subsidiary to the constitutional provision.”